She came at 39 weeks to the day! Friday 15th June 2018 🙂
I had a 4 hour labour and arrived at the hospital at 8cm dilated. The midwives were very impressed!
Only pushed for 20 minutes and she was here!!! Only used gas and air to get me through until transition phase then didn’t need anything. I thank you so much Kylie, my hypnobirthing preparation definitely made all the difference!!
"Visualising her in my arms and moving down the birth canal got me through and I’ve never felt so proud and empowered."
I listened to the hypnobirthing music on my phone all through the labour in the birth suite it was beautiful. The midwives kept on saying how incredibly relaxed I was they struggled to see when I was having contractions and when they stopped. I really appreciate your classes more than anything and cannot thank you enough.
Luca is very happy and so content and healthy, couldn’t ask for anything more. Absolutely stolen our hearts. Look forward to seeing you for our refresher class when we have our next baby. I’m excited to do it all again. Such a beautiful experience. Oh and that new born smell, you were right, there’s nothing like it!
Love Steph, Ben and Luca