Preparing for your at-home webinar Hypnobirthing Classes


 Hello again!

You're baby bump will be growing rapidly and you will soon be feeling baby kicks if you are not already!  Such an exciting time!

Our Hypnobirthing webinar classes are coming up very soon!  I'm really looking forward to 'meeting' you.

I have some points below for your upcoming webinar classes, to ensure you get the very most out of them.



Your Classes

There are four units and each one is amazing.

It's really important that you complete all four classes and it is so very important for your birth partner to be at each class too.

You will be able to have breaks as you need, and you can snack as you need also. We can be flexible!

What we'll need?

  1. Zoom or Skype installed in your laptop - I'll send you links in advance.
  2. Television with a HDMI port, and a HDMI cable to attach your laptop to.
  3. Comfy lounge or chairs for you to sit on.
  4. Wear comfy clothing and shoes, or no shoes!  Your comfort is important!
  5. Some comfy cushions or pillows, and an inflated exercise ball is brilliant if you have one -
    you'll use it often during your pregnancy and when in labour at home, so worth the investment!
  6. A long, wide scarf or sarong that we can use for some activities in Class 3.
  7. 2 pens to use one each, for an exercise we will do in Unit 1.
  8. Have some food/light dinner before we start, and some water to sip during the class.
    Or you can graze during the program, I really won't mind! 

Here's a picture showing some Hypnobirthing clients' screens set-up, for your reference.

Anything Else?

If you have any questions, please text/phone me anytime, or email

While you wait for the classes to begin, you may like to start some guided relaxation practice! If you link here to Hypnobirthing Australia, and wait for just a moment, a form will appear and you can receive a free Pregnancy Relaxaion MP3 download.  It's a great place to start preparing for our Hypnobirthing program.

Meanwhile, my Hypnobirthing Sunshine Coast website has lots of really great information for parents-to-be on the Sunshine Coast, as well as positive birth stories, pregnancy tips, and so much more. I refer to it often during our course.
My Facebook page also has lots of entertaining and informative articles and posts too, if you'd like to follow! And feel free to share with your friends, that would be awesome!
If you find inspiration at Instagram, you'll find us here Hypnobirthing Sunshine Coast

Talk to you soon. 



Ph 0405 125 663


Calendar with class dates